Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day of the Laparoscopy!!!!!

Well, today was the big day.  I had my laparoscopy today and everything went well.  I was so concerned that they would go in to find that nothing is wrong like the last time with my tubal ligation.  Well there was no need to be concerned this time.  They went in and I do have endometriosis.  It wasn't too bad and they were able to remove it which is a good thing.  I didn't get to talk to the doctor but she did talk to my husband and my mom and she is suppose to call me tomorrow to explain to me in detail.  Im very eager for this phone call because for some reason I feel like my husband and my mom arent telling me everything.  Probably just paranoia from the medicine or my defensive nature that stems from this infertility journey I am going through.  Either way I guess I will find out more tomorrow when she calls.  I am still in a bit of pain from the gas that they put in me and I am still nauseous from the anesthesia but other than that I feel fine.  The incisions dont hurt bad except when I move around so I am assuming thats a good sign.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling even better.  I can tell you this though, as soon as the doctor clears me and I am feeling better this I am going to turn into an exercising baby making machine.  Also, I am still on the pill until Saturday and I plan on not renewing my prescription as long as the doctor says its ok.  Its not working anyways since I have had my period for two weeks and have had terrible cramps on and off for those two weeks.  Not really sure why I stayed on the pill this long anyways.      Well, outside of the fertility world form me today, my mom came to be with me during my down time and it is great having her here.  She flew in last night and will stay until Sunday.  I love having her.  Also, both of my brother-in-laws and my sister-in-law (the pregnant one that is married to my husbands brother) sent me flowers and chocolates with a card and that made me feel better and mor disappointed in my self that I cant address the pregnancy yet.  Hopefully getting off this pill and getting off my period will help with this slight depression I have been having.  Well I am going to rest some more.  I hope everyone had a great day and is having a good day.  Also, I apologize if there are any misspellings in my writings today as I am still just a tiny bit loopy.  Have a great night everyone.

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